Gratitude Letter Project

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Writing a thank-you note can lift your mood—and cheer up the person who receives it. Want to be a part of this literary win-win? Write and send a gratitude letter using stationery created by Between You and Me artist Christine Wong Yap. Yap’s work investigates positive psychology, including two-way mood-boosters such as thank you notes. Join in her Gratitude Letter Project, which will culminate in a Sheboygan mailbag of gratitude. To learn more about how gratitude letters boost moods, read the New York Times article You Should Actually  Send  That  Thank  You  Note  You  Have  Been  Meaning  to  Write.  

Step 1: Think of a specific person you’d like to thank.  

It could be someone who helped you in the past, or someone in your present whose ongoing friendship, love, inspiration, or support you appreciate. 

Step 2: Download stationery and envelope. 

Christine Wong Yap created a stationery and envelope set you can download and print out. Then cut the stationery on the dotted line to make two pages. Or create your own! 

Step 3: Write your letter. 

The goal of writing the letter is to offer a sincere, heartfelt message from one person to another. It is okay to be emotional! Consider including what the recipient has done for you, how it affected you, and/or how often you remember their good deeds. 

Step 4: Contribute your letter to our Sheboygan
Mailbag of Gratitude. 

Take a photo or scan your letter/ envelope, and share it with us by sending an email to We’ll compile and share selected letters in the photo gallery on this page. We recognize these letters may be personal. It’s OK if you want to submit anonymously—crop your photo or otherwise edit or block out names.


Step 5: Share your letter with the recipient. 

Mail it to them. Even better, set up a time to call or video chat with them, and then read your letter aloud to them.  

Selected letters will be included in the gallery below as they are submitted to the Sheboygan Mailbag of Gratitude.