Share a Message with Jesse Howard

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Find inspiration in the work and process of artist Jesse Howard. Take a moment to learn more about him by downloading his artist overview. Then, use materials and tools you have at home to complete the activity using the steps below.

Artists often rely on visual imagery to share a message. How do the ways artists share their ideas change when they use mostly text instead of images? Can you think of any signs you have seen in your community or elsewhere that you might consider art? Where is the sign and what did it say?

Step 1
Think about a place in your home or your community where you would want to display a sign and answer the following questions on a piece of paper:
• Where would the sign go?
• What would the sign say?
• Why is this sign important?

Step 2
Now design your sign using upcycled materials like cardboard, wood, or other found objects. You can use any medium, such as markers or paint, to make marks on the surface.

You can practice writing your message on scratch paper first. Think about the lettering you want to use. Do you want to use your own handwriting or make your letters look like a specific font?

Step 3
When you are finished with your sign, display it! If it is intended for a space in your community, such as your school, make sure that you have permission to display it before hanging it up.

Additional Activities
• Go on a sign scavenger hunt. What kinds of signs can you find in your community when you look closely? Are there any you have never noticed before? Do you have a favorite?
• Look at more of Jesse Howard’s work.

Below are some example signs and the materials used to make them. In the comment area, share with us what your sign says and where you plan to hang it. Have fun!